Coaching services provided by The Gifted Learning Lab are not therapy and do not involve professional licensure

The Gifted Learning Lab
Resources & coaching for parents of intense, sensitive gifted & twice-exceptional kids
From Dr. Danika Maddocks
Different kids need different paths

Parenting gifted/2e kids can feel tough.
Gifted and twice-exceptional kids and teens can be hard to understand - they’re often remarkable, likable, and witty as well as intense, emotional, and strong-willed. They can be precocious and independent in some areas yet need extra help in others.
Parenting gifted/2e kids can feel lonely.
It's hard to find other parents who understand the joys and exasperations of raising a bright, passionate kid. Others may think parents of gifted/2e kids or teens are bragging or exaggerating, or may not understand the intensity of the family's ups and downs.
To make things more complex - standard parenting advice rarely works for gifted and 2e kids and teens - and often makes things worse. But there is a better way to meet your kid's or teen's needs and your own.

Feel empowered to parent differently

Gifted Lab Notes
My free weekly email with tips, ideas, & reflections for parents of intense or sensitive gifted/2e kids.
Power Struggles Mini Course ​
Free 5-day email mini course with big ideas & practical strategies to prevent and defuse power struggles.
Support Your Intense Gifted/2e Kid
My highly-supportive 8-week coaching program that helps you feel more confident parenting your gifted/2e kid.
Learning Lab Library
A collection of articles that address common questions & concerns of parents with gifted/2e kids.